Sunday, January 10, 2010

Golden Retriever named Buck

I don’t get my hair cut very often. I forget to, or I can’t squeak a time in for it, or by then I am out of money. Regardless, when I finally do get it cut, I swear there is a shift in the molecular structure of the air around me. For that whole day – everything is Fantastic! I display an overabundance of exuberance everywhere I go. I am like that dog that just got a bath and proceeds to run around, wagging, panting, shaking, and rolling all over the ground. Seriously it is just like that. Well except for the rolling on the ground part. Anyway, I got a cut the other day.
I flitted to the grocery store afterwards, eager to show off the Do to every random stranger, who could care less, as I possibly could. As I was picking out apples, I saw myself a worthy ambassador for produce with my sassy haircut. I imagined a couple saying, “Well that young lady with the nice hair likes Braburns and clearly she would know – I mean she is put together!" br />I went to fill my tank with gas and – What? Wait a minute. Is that the motor running smoother? Yes, I do believe it is. Arriving at the station, I was convinced that the price of gas appeared less expensive and I noted that vocally. Of course, there was a Rainer on the Parader there to remark that, in fact, it went up 6 cents. No matter – I felt Fabulous! After my haircut, it stopped snowing, I found a 5 spot in a pair of jeans and I got the first in a series of packages in the mail that would equal my new computer. My new cut made everything better.
It is a glorious thing for me to feel this great about myself for a minute or an afternoon, especially to feel this way about my hair. About ten years ago a gal told me I look just like her Golden Retriever whose name was Buck. She loved her dog and simply couldn’t get over how much I looked just like him. Now, I don’t care who you are, when you are compared to someone’s (albeit beloved) Golden Retriever, it stays with you. I just don't know what was she thinking? Clearly I am more Irish Setter. The point is one should run with those good hair days because they are wonderful. Grab the Frisbee, wag your butt, pant a little and just run with it. Good Things~

Monday, January 4, 2010

Open Road

I remember once meeting my Aunt for lunch while driving back home for the weekend. This red-headed road warrior was uncharacteristically road weary, so a lunch stop to visit family was a welcome break opposed to the other roughly 478 breaks from mass amounts of road construction. It took a toll on my demeanor. My expression dared anyone to even glance my direction. My exuberance for the visit was spent on that last detour before reaching the restaurant. When I arrived there I met a smiling, excited, doll of a woman who quite literally had sunbeams shooting right straight out of her arse. Aunt Karen! Amazing. She too had navigated the same construction yet her demeanor came out unscathed. Her attitude hadn't been assaulted. She was simply happy to be there! I was floored. There was a lesson in that moment. The same things happen to people everyday but how we allow ourselves to manage those events can make all the difference. From that moment, I made a choice to be more aware of how I manage things and to just try to do a little better. I am recently split from my boys' father. You could say I am navigating along my open road, and have been experiencing great deal of construction and delay. I try everyday, scratch that - every five minutes to manage how I deal with things that occur in a more positive manner. My instinct is that my journey could be a long one. Well that should give me a fantastic (bordering obscene) amount of opportunity to practice my management skills. Here's to the open road and Sunbeams! Good Things~